Quick things to know before watching the Falcon and the Winter Soldier
With Fans still reeling from the conclusion of WandaVision, it is exciting to think we are only one week away from our next Marvel adventure! Although views might think the next installment might be a lot more grounded than WandaVision, it is very likely that Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes will soar high above your expectations. Here are a few quick things to be aware of before tuning into the show on March 19th.
- Originally The Falcon and Winter Soldier were slated to release before WandaVision! Making it Disney+ Live Action Marvel Series debut, meaning the series will have just as much impact on the future of the MCU than WandaVision, offering more than just big action and “buddy cop” style comedy. The show will explore the very earthly threats that still plague our heroes. making for a great juxtaposition the madness of the Multiverse.
2. Unlike WandaVision, the new series will only contain six episodes as opposed to nine and the premiere episode will be released on it’s own instead of a double header. The Show will hopefully make up for this with a runtime closer to 50 minutes rather than the inconsistency of its predecessor. in any case roughly six hours should be more than enough time to flesh out this “step brothers” like relationship.
3. Sam and Bucky have been upgraded big time. It is fair to say that the two have never been considered powerhouses of the Avengers team, however their utility, adaptability and expertise have and will make them huge contributors to the next version of the team. And with Iron Man and Cap gone, they will have big shoes to fill when it comes to leadership. That being said, we have yet to see the full potential of Bucky’s stay in Wakanda. Not only did he get a new custom made vibranium arm, but it’s untold what kind of martial arts training he received in the country! It has been highly speculated that even in death Tony is upgrading his fellow Avengers in the tech department, and the Falcon is about to get the wings he deserves. Oh and not to mention they will be sharing one of the most iconic pieces of hardware known in the MCU, Captain America’s trusty shield.
4. Our final thing to consider before watching the show is that the villains may look a little different than we remember. The MCU has had no problem playing with and tweaking costumes and origin stories of not only heroes but villains as well. Although some have been received better than others, this time around there will be two major changes to our villains that will most likely be for the best. The first is the reappearance of Baron Zemo! One of the most iconic antagonists to Captain America and the Avengers in the comic books. More knowledgeable fans such as myself were disappointed when the nefarious villain didn’t dawn his iconic purple “ski mask” like cowl in Captain America: Civil War, despite the character going to one of the coldest places on the planet, for some reason no one at the studio thought it would be practical and crowd pleasing but I digress. Alas, the trailer for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier revealed that Zemo will dawn his unmistakable comic book look for our live action viewing pleasure. The Second change to our villain comes in the form of the Flagsmasher, another rogue in the Captain America gallery. The mace and flamethrower pistol wielding villain has only appeared in the comics a few times, with a seemingly simple motivation of destroying any capitalist countries, who he of course blames for his fathers death. His biggest contribution to the evil community is forming the terrorist group known as Ultimatum. The difference we find in the silver screen version of the character is well, there is no character. Instead the terrorist group formally known in the comics as Ultimatum will now be called the Flag Smashers in the new show and is lead by a female antagonist who we theorize to be the daughter of the Red Skull Sinthea Schmidt.
Hopefully knowing these few things will better prepare you for the thrill ride we are in store for next week. With Marvel taking risks with more and more deep cut stories and characters it is important to have a foothold on as much information possible. Who knows what surprises Marvel has in store for us as we dive deeper into the next chapter in the Captain America legacy.