Photo: WandaVision/Disney+

5 Questions People AREN’T asking about WandaVision.

Mr. Silver


Photo: Episode 7/ WandaVision

Number 1: Why Darcy?

Darcy is an underrated character with great comedic timing and a lot to offer, however she is a political science major who just recently became adept in the field of astrophysics. If S.W.O.R.D. wanted the best consultants possible why did they not seek out her mentors Jane Foster and Dr. Erik Selvig? Even if blipped away I’m sure their experience and expertise is far more vast than Darcy’s. In fact both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have specifically sought out Dr. Selvig for his expertise, not to mention he already has a connection to Wanda via Thor and the vision she gave him about the events of Ragnarok. The man literally gives lectures on a regular basis about the very concept of a Multiverse. It seems to me like Marvel may have simply forgot about this character. If the argument is for inclusion then again I asked why not the brilliant mind of Jane Foster? I doubt this question will be answered but who knows we might get one in Thor: Love and Thunder.

Thor (2011) / Marvel

Number 2: Where is Hawkeye?

I don’t care what anyone says Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye is the heart of the Avengers team! A lot of people don’t realize that Hawkeye is responsible for 3 Avengers joining the team. In Thor he has strict orders and the opportunity to kill a powerless son of Odin and decides not to! Ultimately allowing Thor to go down the path of becoming worthy once more. The same is also true with the Black Widow, Barton is ordered to assassinate her and instead befriends and then recommends Nick Fury to include her in the Avengers Initiative. Which brings us to our third member the Scarlet Witch, who people are most familiar with. After he gives Wanda a speech that would make Captain America proud, she decides to become an Avenger and fight to save the innocent lives of not just her people but the world, alongside her fellow heroes! As we all know she goes on to become one of the most powerful characters in all of the MCU. Clint and Wanda have a very strong connection and it is amplified even more after her brother Pietro sacrifices himself to save him. We see him grow protective over her and become an older brother figure in her life. He literally stands up to her future boyfriend to rescue her from The Avengers facility during Civil War and if that’s not an older brother move I don’t know what is. Later in the same movie we see how well they work together during the battle at the airport. And in Avengers: Endgame this bond is solidified by the two of them coming together to grieve and mourn over the loss of not only their teammates but their loved ones. So with all that being established where is Hawkeye when Wanda is in her time of need? You would think out of all the remaining Avengers the one who’s best at keeping an eye on things would be watching over her.

Avengers: Endgame/ Marvel

Number 3: Why did S.W.O.R.D. take the Vision’s body instead of The Avengers?

The Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division or S.W.O.R.D as it is known in the MCU is a little different from it’s comic book origins. They task themselves with studying and understanding sentiment weapons so that they may better respond to any attacks used by them. That is great but with the context we are given in the MCU all of the Avengers are considered sentient weapons, this even leads to the Sokovia Accords being formed. In Captain America: Civil War the Secretary of State himself equates Thor and Bruce Banner to 30 Megaton nuclear bombs. And even then by the end of Infinity War none of the Avengers seem to adhere to the Sokovia Accords in the first place. It is hard for me to believe that after losing so many of their friends and teammates they would not want to keep the body of one they could actually honor and have a funeral for. Especially, when Steve Rodgers is one of the remaining Avengers. He was the leader in the idea that the government or any other organizations would control what happened to the Avengers in the first place. It makes no sense that Director Hayward would get the Vision’s body and not the heroes left standing. It is hard to see this plot hole getting addressed.

Avengers: Infinity War

Number 4: Are Billy and Tommy even real?

-Potential Spoilers-

In the Comic books Wanda’s story is similar to the events happening in the MCU. Of course without the X-Men it is hard to tell her full origin story but certain elements of the tale can still remain. One of these things being her children’s true nature. It turns out that in the comics Wanda unknowingly manifests her “children” using fragments of soul from a character named Mephisto. One of the most powerful spiritual beings in existence who is essentially Marvel’s version of the Devil. Upon figuring this out Agatha Harkness decides to wipe Scarlet Witch’s memory of her children ever existing knowing that if she were to find out the truth she might lose her mind for good or even worse bargain with Mephisto to keep her children forever. It’s never a good idea to make a deal with the Devil just ask Ghost Rider. However, in the show we literally see Agatha holding Billy and Tommy by strings as if they were her puppets and with the more traditional villain take they are going for with the character, it may be Agatha who created the “twins.” We still don’t know which route they will take in the WandaVision series however it is still very possible that her children are not what they seem.


Number 5: Why cast Evan Peters?!

When fans first saw Evan Peters reprise his role as Quicksilver in WandaVision our minds went crazy with theories about the 20th Century Fox universe converging with the MCU. However as time passed and Agatha spoiled everything it seems that there is less and less of a chance that the MCU is connected to the X-Men universe. So why cast Evan Peters if there is no connection? The show can have the same effect with casting literally any other actor to play Pietro but instead Marvel decided to confuse their fans and connect it to an already existing franchise with no payoff. It is wishful thinking that there will be a more serious explanation and his character in the show is definitely the one that leaves the most to be desired. It is possible we can get more retcons in the future to connect Quicksilver to a larger plot but I don’t see that coming. It would also be risky to test the limits of their fans when it comes to the amount of backtrack storytelling they will accept.

WandaVision/ Marvel



Mr. Silver

I’m just a nerd with something to say. I hope you enjoy!